You've asked for it (many times even), and here it is: the official announcement of the Deluxe Edition of Rush Rush Rally Racing. This very complete package comes in an extra thick jewel case and includes all the stuff the collectors will undoubtedly appreciate: a spine card, a soundtrack cd, a full-colour manual with more pages, and enough stickers to slap one onto your door, your car, your forehead and your dog, and still have some left just incase your car explodes and your dog runs away.
You can pre-order this highly desirable item directly from publisher
redspotgames and soon also from your favourite (online) games supplier. It will be available November, slightly later than the regular edition which is scheduled to appear this month.
Note for those who pre-ordered the regular edition already and wish to upgrade to this incredibly yummy edition instead:
To change your order, write an e-mail to redspotgames (you received the address with your pre-order) with the subject "Change to Deluxe Edition" followed by your order number, e.g. "Change to Deluxe Edition - #011111-0222222-0333".